You'll generally have to pay for other wage information that's any good. Several Internet sites exist, but I haven't used them, so I can't vouch for them.
Brad Forrister Director of Publishing M. Lee Smith Publishers
1. State Unemployment office 2. Chanber of Commerce -- contact your local & they can provide the State contact person.
A thought: while I don't know what type of business you are in or the need for State wide average -- when I have done salary analysis for companies they do not want Chicago area included. You might try a "sister city" analysis....
You'll generally have to pay for other wage information that's any good. Several Internet sites exist, but I haven't used them, so I can't vouch for them.
Brad Forrister
Director of Publishing
M. Lee Smith Publishers
1. State Unemployment office
2. Chanber of Commerce -- contact your local & they can provide the State contact person.
A thought: while I don't know what type of business you are in or the need for State wide average -- when I have done salary analysis for companies they do not want Chicago area included. You might try a "sister city" analysis....