Reduction of pay salary employees

What is the ruling for reducing the payroll for salary employees. Does this have to be in writing or can it be relayed to the employee in an oral agreement. The partners of our company discussed this with the employee, then informed my dept. and told me when to do this, I ass umed that this was a mutual agreement since I was given the ok to do this from the partners. Please respond ASAP I have an irrate employee.
thanks for your response
In talking to the partners after they created this problem I was able to convince them that under this situation they would be better of and it would cost them alot less money if they went ahead and paid the doctors their regular salary and if they wanted to make changes in the future that they needed to put such in writing and also to give a time span of 30 or 45 days heads-up that this was going to take place.
Don thanks again for your input, and you are correct one of the doctor's told me he was going to pursue this further. He did say he knew that I was not aware of what had occurred at the onset.
The money you spend doing this is well worth it.