Extra Pay for Extra Work

I would like to inquire about paying an exempt employee extra pay for extra time worked. A full-time exempt employee is considering getting a part-time job to supplement her income. She has asked if we have extra work she could do for our organization for extra pay rather than getting a part-time job. We do have an enormous amount of work that she could do. If we give her extra work along with extra pay, will her exempt status be lost? We are a Maine based employer. Thank you for your assistance.
Second, if you treat her like an hourly employee for some work, and she works over 40 hours a week, that alone may destroy the exemption.
I know it is stupid, but the fair labor standards act is designed to protect employees, even from themselves. Even if the employee agrees to do something, it may not be legal under the act. Generally the DOL will look at the relationship of one employee and one employer to determine exemptions and overtime. They do not look at it by job. The reason being that employers would never pay overtime if they could just say to the employee, here you go, now you have two jobs, each of 40 hours per week, so you don't get any overtime.
I believe it is more trouble than it is worth to help this employee out by giving her additional work at the company. The risk is too great.
Good Luck!