Director Compensation
Our company has gone through a few rough years and our directors voluntarily waived compensation until we again became profitable. Now we are ready to begin that compensation again and are trying to determine a fair but reasonable compensation.
Given the recent criticism of compensation in some companies, we are looking for guidance. Is there a trend to reduce director compensation? What about stock options for directors...any planned changes?
Any help you can offer is most appreciated.
Given the recent criticism of compensation in some companies, we are looking for guidance. Is there a trend to reduce director compensation? What about stock options for directors...any planned changes?
Any help you can offer is most appreciated.
Assuming you have shares available for grants, stock compensation or options certainly could be a good strategy to supplement BOD pay. Although the accounting advantages may be dwindling, stock options align recipients with your investors' interests, and options may help you conserve cash while you're working on your financial recovery.
Good luck!