Pay for time spent at clinic for OTJ injury

Do we have to pay hourly employees for the time they spend at our clinic receiving treatment for on the job injuries? Our company policy states that any time spent at the clinic getting medical treatment is unpaid. I recently had an employee challenge me on that. He said he's had worker's comp claims before and that the time he is away from work receiving medical treatment is paid. Where can I get information on this?
continues to work - and then later MAYBE the injury gets aggravated on the job ... then you may have a MAJOR worker's comp case, potentially costing a lot more than the wages paid for being at the clinic. Save yourself grief instead,
your policy needs to be changed !
Margaret Morford
We encourage our employees to make their appointments after work hours to avoid this conflict, after all, they have some responsibility for their own good health. But, as a means to build goodwill, we pay 70% wages for medical treatments during a workday. Our W/C insurance carrier pays 70% wage (may be [u]Texas[/u] W/C law?) of average of the 13 weeks wages prior to the injury for lost wages, so, we're going to pay one way or the other.