Time Sheet

First of all let me say I am an Exempt Employee. Our company pay period is every other week and has a time sheet that I am required to put down 8 hours each day even though I would work many days in excess of 8 hours a day. My question is should I, as an exempt employee, be required to document 8 hours per day or should I record the true hours that I work???
Thank You!
Thank You!
In any event, I believe that your company's practices would not be good as "accurate recordkeeping", which I thought was a requirement. A few years back, we used to pay 86.67 hours semi-monthly and make adjustments to actual time worked once a month. Also, everyone just put down 8 hours per day if they worked 40 hours within the week. We changed that practice to reflect better records so that you could tell when someone took a longer lunch and made it up the next day. Since we do not pay OT calculated daily, it doesn't matter on the records.
I don't think you need to sweat about entering your hours. Just enter 8 or your employer might think you are a trouble maker and it ultimately doesn't make any difference in how much you get paid pay period to pay period. If you are putting in a lot of extra time, your supervisor should be aware of it already and handle it more appropriately in your review. However, your employer might be asking for trouble from the DOL. The DOL frowns on employers treating exempt employees as hourly without paying overtime. If the DOL does an audit, your employer better have plenty of other documentation on hand to show they are complying with FSLA. (An hourly time sheet for an exempt employee is a poor indication of their compliance.)
How do your exempts feel about turning in a time sheet used only for tracking absences? What happens to the time sheets submitted each pay period? What constitutes the application of leave...Do you specify half-day leave, or just full day? (If the person only works a couple of hours, is it a full day at regular pay, or half regular and half leave?)
With our growing organization we find ourselves with many exempts following their own systems, which are often very subjective. We need to develop a fair, objective, and consistent policy for all to follow. One of our latest exempts has only been on board six months and has already taken off almost two weeks for various reasons. Her apparent sense of entitlement is creating ill will among the ranks, both exempt and non-exempt.
We currently only apply accrued leave on a full day basis for exempt employees, though we are considering the 1/2 day option. If you will give me a fax number or email address I will be happy to send you a copy of our form, which is currently in an Excel format.