On-Call Compensation

There are several employees who receive compensation (in accordance with the bargaining unit contract)in the amount of up to $100.00 per week for being on an "on-call" status. This compensation was in response to the agency's requirement at the time of hire that the employee be available on a 24 hour on-call basis. If the employee is removed from on-call status for the purpose of budgetary crisis etc., and subsequently loses the $5,000+ in annual compensation, is there any case precidence that would require or compel the agency to continue paying the employee based on the fact that the employee has become "accustomed" to the salary.
Under FLSA, you don't need to compensate for on-call status if the can use the time while on call as he or she choose. If it is not unreasonably restrictive, then FLSA doens't require compesnation. The more restrictions you place on the individual that prevent him or her from using the time while on call at her or his own discretion the more likely it is that you will be considered as having to compensate with regular earnings.
Check your state law as well; it may speak to on-call status.
James Sokolowski
Senior Editor
M. Lee Smith Publishers