Salaried/Exempt requesting to go part time

We have a salaried (full time 40+), exempt employee requesting to go permanently part time, 4 days per week possibly 3 days per week. The employee wants to stay as a salaried, exempt employee with the salary reflecting a 32 or a 24 hour work week. How or what does this do with the exempt requirements? Has anyone come upon any problems with a change like this?
The person's salary is reduced to reflect part-time status and life goes on. The primary problem I've encountered with this arrangement is how many hours will you allow the person to work b/4 you conclude the position is really fulltime. Assume you reduce the hrs to 32/week. In all probability, the employee will be expected to work 35 or 36 hrs/week due to their salary status and is not eligible for any overtime due to being exempt. Eventually, the employee will come forward complaining that they are working almost fulltime, yet only getting part-time benefits. When that happens, you agree to revisit the arrangement and either modify or try and control the amount of excess hours worked. Same principle as 40 hrs/wk people working 50+ for extended time periods.
Be sure you know what you are getting into before you create this problem with exempt employees. You may want to spell this out in a memo to them, and have them sign it that they understand the concept of exempt, whether five day a week or three or four day a week.
Good luck.
A lot of us could do our desk work at odd times. In fact some of us occasionally choose to go in during closed hours just so we can have some productive, uninterrupted time. However, most salaried positions include responsibilities that require us to be present and available during regular office hours to direct and support management and staff.
I'd be careful about granting special concessions for one at the risk of creating problems among the remaining staff members. How about a job share arrangement between two part timers?
Good Luck!!