FLSA- Reduced Hours- salaried Employees

Due to continued sagging sales, we were forced to place our hourly workforce on 3 and/or 4 day workweeks for an indefinite time period.
Now management has asked whether it would be legal to place our salaried staff under the same schedule or are salaried employees entitled to a full week's pay if they work any portion of the workweek?
For example, you cannot reduce the hours just due to a decline in orders- we have reduced workweeks for our hourly- we cannot reduce the salaried staff accordingly, can we? I believe we are obligated to pay full salary to those salaried employees as long as they work any portion of the week.
Any comments?
Thanks- Tom
It might be expected in businesses strongly affected by seasonal factors. What about construction businesses, for instance, who can't work when conditions are too wet/dry, too warm/cold, etc???