Illegal Employees

I've been asked an outside question and need some input ASAP...
Employees of Company A are taken over by Company B. During the first pay period under Company B, it is discovered that a couple of illegals have been working for Company A. Illegals worked under Company B for several days before being discovered and released.
Question: Is Company B required to pay the hours worked before the release? If so, under what process?
Employees of Company A are taken over by Company B. During the first pay period under Company B, it is discovered that a couple of illegals have been working for Company A. Illegals worked under Company B for several days before being discovered and released.
Question: Is Company B required to pay the hours worked before the release? If so, under what process?
This prevents and employer from hiring illegal workers, then refusing to pay them for time worked, because their immigratiion status does not allow them to work in the United States.
("Alert" selected in error...Sorry)
I hope you are not turning your I-9 forms over to this outsider. You are legally responsible for maintaining these records, and being capable of producing them when the INS, or Department Of Labor audits you.
Is your problem that these "employees" do not have a Social Security Number? I could under stand your payroll contractor's reluctance in that case.