Again--docking exempt employees

An exempt employee hired less than two months has missed in excess of six days work for various reasons (cold, sore from an accident, etc.). Critical position involving employee benefits. The employee's department head has been docking her (only in full day increments when she has not shown up for work at all). This is okay? Thanks.
As a practical suggestion for how to get the work done, you might consider giving this person specific deadlines for tasks and not move those deadlines. For example, if you tell him/her you need this by the close of business on Friday and he/she misses work on Tuesday, be clear that you still need it by Friday and point out that he/she may have to work extra hours to complete it by the Friday deadline. Do not say "You need to make up the time you missed on Tuesday" because then you are back to counting hours on them as if they are non exempt. If you have any questions, feel free to call me at 615-371-8200.
Margaret Morford
Thanks ! ! !
The regs on docking exempt employees pay for intermittent FMLA leave are available in's member's-only area:
Hope this helps!
On what do you base your answer that the docking is permissible?
The FMLA regulation on making deductions for exempt employee is available here:
My answer came from an attorney who suggested we answer a simple "yes." On further investigation, though, I think we need to add a disclaimer.
Below is a statement from one of our Employment Law Letter articles, "Deductions from exempt employees' pay: avoiding FLSA liability."
"You may reduce a salaried employee's pay for absences of a day or more because of sickness or disability ONLY if you do it under a bona fide plan, policy, or practice of providing compensation for loss of salary because of sickness and disability. In other words, if you have a paid sick leave policy, you may deduct full-day absences for sickness before the employee qualifies for the plan or after he has exhausted his leave allowance under it."
Thanks for prompting a further look at the question, pv25!
P.S. Law Center members: You can find the full article in the Newsletter Archive [url][/url]
is permissible under ERISA or whether it is discriminatory because the
amount changes as the employee ages or whether it is okay to have a plan
that treats exempt individuals different from non-exempt individuals? If
you can clarify the issue for me, maybe I can point you towards some
Susan G. Fentin, Esq.
One Monarch Place
Springfield, MA 01114
Tel: 413-737-4753
I understand we cannot dock "pay" in less than one-day increments. But what about leave (not FMLA related). Does that also have to be docked in whole day increments for exempt employees. Appreciate any information you can provide as well as resources.