granting educational leave

I would like guidance on any possible employment law that addresses an employer's responsibility for adjusting an employee's work schedule in order for the employee to pursue further education. The case I'm referring to involves about 3 or 4 employees who attend college courses at night (and have not requested nor needed work schedules adjusted to accommodate their educational programs). However, another employee has informed us that she plans to enroll in college beginning summer 2001. The employee stated that, beginning June 2001, she will need to have her work schedule adjusted to 7am-4pm in order to allow accommodate her college program (our office hours are 8-5 M-F). The employee is pushing the issue, and I thought it would be best to know if there is a specific legal precedent addressing the issue of an employer's responsibility in accommodating educational programs. Can anyone provide any info, advice, or resources (case precendents) about this issue?