Cafeteria Plan Reimbursement to Terminated Employees

If an employee elects coverage under our medical reimbursement cafeteria plan and terminates employment mid-year and subsequently requests reimbursement for expenses incurred prior to their termination date, are we required to reimburse all expenses requested up to the maximum amount they declared at the beginning of the plan year? Or are we only obligated to reimburse up to the amount they had contributed at the time of termination? Our TPA and I are disagreeing on this issue. The plan document does not stipulate and I think we are required to reimburse up to the maximum amount declared by the employee regardless of what they have contributed at the time of termination. Out TPA is saying if the employee waits until after their termination date to request reimbursement, we are only obligated to pay up to what they have contributed at time of termination. If anyone can cite some official IRS document that addresses this situation, I would appreciate it.
Sorry I cannot cite the IRS regs on this. Your TPA should be able to though if they are correct.
Good luck!
If the TPA is thinking of Dependent Care Reimbursement, they are correct. EEs can only take out what they've put in YTD.
Good luck...