Insurance Premiums
3 Posts
Can an employer state that health insurance premiums will be $50.00 higher for employee + spouse if the spouse has insurance available at their workplace but elects to go onto spouses policy instead.
Is that clear as mud?
Employee + Spouse and spouse is not offered insurance at his/her company or does not work.
$150.00 month Premium
Employee + Spouse and spouse is eligible for insurance with his/her company.
$200.00 month premium.
Is that clear as mud?
Employee + Spouse and spouse is not offered insurance at his/her company or does not work.
$150.00 month Premium
Employee + Spouse and spouse is eligible for insurance with his/her company.
$200.00 month premium.
Lots of companies talk about rewarding EEs to when spouses and/or children are put on a different company. I have not heard of charging more.
I suppose there could be some title vii issues if a significant portion of those that would be charged more are in a protected class, but that seems to be a stretch.
I also beleive you cannot single out individuals, but have to deal with whole groups. For instance, adminstrative personnel might have a different deal than factory floor workers, but I don't think floor worker A can have a different deal than floor worker b for the same coverage.
E Wart
You might try that approach.