Cobra 2 questions

First off how long does the insurance company have to send you the CObra notice once you are "dropped" from coverage due to a divorce?
Also what are the penalties for failure to send the election forms?
The last cobra post made me realize I have seen nothing from my ex wife's insurer. Finalized early February coverage would have ended end of the month.
Just wondering....
Also what are the penalties for failure to send the election forms?
The last cobra post made me realize I have seen nothing from my ex wife's insurer. Finalized early February coverage would have ended end of the month.
Just wondering....
Employer has 30 days to notify plan administrator of a qualifying event (divorce).
Plan administrator has 14 days to generate notice to all qualified beneficiaries.
QBs have 60 days to elect and an additional 45 days to make retroactive payment.
Failure to comply with COBRA can include IRS penalties ($100 per day per violation), ERISA penalties ($110 per day per per QB), reimbursement for claims, damages, and attorney fees.
By the way, your 60 day election period only starts when you have had a "loss of coverage" (the divorce) AND recieved your notice. Since you never recieved a notice, your timer hasn't started.
That's my understanding of how this works. Is it possible that she may not have dropped you off coverage? Perhaps that is why it hasn't triggered a notice.
And it is the employer's (plan administrator's) duty to notify qualified beneficiaries, not the insurance company. So if HR hasn't received proof of divorce from your ex-, they may still be charging her for your coverage. Of course, once notified of COBRA eligibility, most insurance companies will automatically cancel coverage after an election period passes, whether or not they're satisfied the qualified beneficiaries were notified in a timely manner (edit: since it's assumed the employer will handle all tne notification). Only upon receipt of a copy of the COBRA election form will they continue the coverage passed COBRA election expiration. At least in my experience.
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One more thought. When was your x wife's open enrollment period. She could have dropped you during this and there are cases where you may not be "offered" COBRA. Do not sit back. Take some action!
Hope you have this all stragithened out by now.
E Wart