EAP Cost

Each year I have to justify the cost of our EAP program. Each year I have responded that it is a very cheap benefit to offer to ee's and their dependents. For 2006 our cost will amount to $17 per ee (more if additional hours beyond projection are used). I still think that's "dirt cheap". Can anyone give me some cost comparisons?
Our's is $14 per ee with no limitation of visits or hours per ee. They figure not every ee uses it so it all evens out. Ours provides us with a utilization report that helps when justifying cost. We also have an 800 line for ee's outside the local area, and each year 4 onsite EAP workshops for managers and 4 "lunch and learns" for ee's on a variety of subjects.
We pay based on usage instead of a per capita basis. In other words we are billed as people arrange for counseling. Other resources giving one time financial/legal advice come through an arrangement with Unum Provident Insurance, the provider of our life insurance and LTD. Unum provides a limited resource to co-workers if they want advice to help a parent in another state, need health care providers when traveling, etc.
IT seems to work well.
I have used EAP's for over 20 years and really encourage them. Removes your supv. from issues that they aren't trained for and shouldn't give advice on. Provides employees with an outlet outside of work that we don't need to know about, etc.
E Wart
It also covers family members.