Vacation/Sick leave/PTO/Holiday


I am looking to find out if we are even in the ball park for Vacation/Sick leave/PTO/Holidays. Our company does not provide Sick Leave to our employees. Our company has 9 paid holidays and after 5 years of service they get their birthdays as holidays as well. Our PTO is 2 weeks upon your first year of employment and 1 day for every extra year of service.

Our company also has STD/LTD provided to our employees at their cost (so benefits are not taxed when they receive benefits from STD/LTD).

Thanks for your input. x:-)


  • 7 Comments sorted by Votes Date Added
  • Welcome to the Forum Angila!

    I am interpreting your post as a request for comparison with other companies.

    We are a private non-profit. You will likely find that you need to compare with similar industries to really know how your company stacks up to others.

    For instance we offer 12 paid holidays, plus the EEs birthday, plus 2 "well" days.

    12 days of sick leave.

    12 days of vacation for years 1 - 3, thereafter 18 days of vacation.

    We also offer group STD and LTD, EE option and EE pays.

    We pay health insurance, EE only, and 2 times salary life insurance. All other benefits are at the EE option, although we do have group rates available for vision, dental and variou AFLAC products.

    As you can see, quite a bit different from your company, but when you compare salary levels, we are at or below middle market ranges. Our other benefits are pretty good to help with recruiting and retention.
  • Thank you for your input. It is exactially what I am looking for. x:7

  • Hi, Angie, welcome to the forum! We are manufacturing, and we provide the following:

    *2 weeks of vacation after 1 year, 3 weeks after 9 and 4 weeks after 20
    *3 days sick leave after 1 year
    *8 paid holidays

    We also do STD/LTD/Life at our cost, 90% of EE health and 50% of family health, 5% profit sharing, 2% 401(k) match and others.

    The Nebraska Department of Labor/Workforce Development came out with a very comprehensive benefit report (I and several thousand of my HR colleagues across the state filled out surveys) that was chock full of data. You might try contacting the Alaska DOL - here's their web site.

  • We are non-profit and offer the following

    20 days vacation
    12 sick days
    4 personal days
    13 holidays (includes 1 floating)
    Pay 97% of medical for ee and dependents
    Pay 100% of dental for ee and dependents
  • We are a regulated utility - approx 2700 employees statewide.

    Holidays - we currently get 10 which will be increased to 11 next year, plus everyone gets 1 "flex holiday" (8hrs)
    Vacation - new employees get 2wks after the 6 month introductory period, it goes to 3wks at 5 years, 4wks at 15 years, and at 20 years, 4wks plus an additional day for every additional year; non-union employees also receive an additional "flex day" on their employment anniversary dates
    Sick Leave - we do not have a set number of days and currently no STD. The Benefits Dept. tracks the average time out (3-4 days per year) and supervisors track special circumstances and are generous - they send you home when you're sick as things transmit like wildfire around here. If absences start adding up and circumstances are fishy, positive discipline may be initiated. Doctor's notes can be required after absences of 5 days.
    PTO - 1/3-1/2 of our employees are union - 3 contracts/2 unions. They are currently the only ones who work on a PTO basis and the contracts differ slightly.

  • Thank you to all of you for your input!!! Your assistance allows me to discuss with the owner how our benefits rate compared to other companies. I appreciate you taking the time to answer my questions. x:7

  • Hi Angie -- I'm curious to know how your benefits compare with other employers in your area. I think a package like the one you've described would make recruiting challenging for us here in the Kansas City area.
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