When an employee reaches 10 years of service in your company, do you provide additional benefits, especially more vacation time? Also, what is the total amount of vacation you provide for an employee with 10 years of service?
2 Yr - 2 weeks
5 Yr - 3 weeks
9 Yr - 4 weeks
14 Yrs - 5 weeks
Plus, with perfect attendance our EEs can earn
3 hours a month additional vacation.
I hate to go off in a different direction, but your post brings me back to an issue I posted a long time ago. That is, when your employees take their three hours of extra vaction time, which was earned for perfect attendance, do you have to compute those three hours in their overtime for that week? For every labor lawyer, FLSA expert, and/or HR professional I ask I get about a 50/50 response as to yes or no. There doesn't seem to be a concensus of opinion one way or the other. Your thoughts?
That is, when your employees >take their three hours of extra vaction time,
>which was earned for perfect attendance, do you
>have to compute those three hours in their
>overtime for that week?
Your thoughts?
It will depend on what your policy is. As Don stated, you are not obligated to. We do however, calculate any paid time as worked time for overtime considerations.
2 weeks to start
3 weeks at 5 years
4 weeks at 10 years
5 weeks at 15 years
and so on. For every 5 years, an additonal week.
1 year - 10 days
2-5 years - 15 days
5-10 years - 20 days
10+ years - 25 days
10-year (my anniversary is today! Yee-ha!) is $750 gift cert.
Of course, there are tax issues and such gifts may need to be reported, esp. the $750 gift cert.
10 years = 4 weeks vacation (another Yee-ha!)
Thanks for replying.......I've always wondered how much one of those Bose Wave Radio CD Players are! You know when they don't put the price in the advertisement that it costs too much!!!
Vacation provided as of 1/1/ of each year
Less than 6 months employment 3 days
6 months to 1 yr 5 days
1 yr to 5 yrs 10 days
5-7yrs 11 days
7- 8 yrs 12 days
8-9 yrs 13 days
9-10 yrs 14 days
10-11 yrs 15 days
11-12 yrs 16 days
12-13 yrs 17 days
13-14 yrs 18 days
14-15 yrs 19 days
15-20 yrs 20 days
20-25 yrs 21 days
26-30 yrs 22 days
30-35 yrs 23 days
35-40 years 24 days
40+ yrs 25 days
We also give very nice awards each 5 years (managed through OC Tanner.)
E Wart