Rock and a Hard Place

Hello, I work for a television station with approximately 40 employees. An employee I supervise came to work, but left to go to the doctor because she felt sick. She called several hours later to let me know she was being admitted to the hospital. I asked her what was wrong, and she did not reply. I let the moment pass and told her to take care of herself and don't worry about work; reminded her she has sick days accumulated for use. She was discharged, but soon readmitted to the hospital, and finally discharged again. She will be out a total of 13 days. She has a doctor's excuse, good prior attendence, etc. Here's my dilemma: the company owner wants to know specifically what her illness is. I told him I asked what was wrong, but when she declined to disclose I dropped it. When she went back into the hospital the second time, he insisted I call and find out what was going on with her. I told her he was concerned and really wants to know, so she told me she's having problems with her heart, but she didn't want it all over the office. I told him this. He said that we need to know a more specific diagnosis, for business planning purposes - do we need a temp,will she be able to meet the requirements of the job, etc. I see his point, but do we have a right to ask for that specific information? I want to respect her privacy, but he wants the information, and truly feels we have a right / business need to know. Sorry for the length of post. Any advice will be greatly appreciated!


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