Flexible Spending Accounts

I haven't posted in a while. Am the HR Manager for a 400 ee printing & binding company in Wisconsin. We are increasing our health plan deductible on January 1, so now is a good time to look into a FSA. However, I'm having trouble finding vendors (do not want AFLAC) who return phone calls. Can anyone give me the name of their FSA sponsor, assuming you're happy with their service? Thanks
Good luck!
Good luck finding a vendor,
Our company just put one in place and my word of caution would be to read the fine print of each bid. With Ceridian, my one gripe is that they really downplayed how often documentation would be required by the employee to submit. They said to keep all receipts, but they also said that they’d only ask for receipts for something’s (for instance OTC medicines) and not for others (Co-Pays). It doesn't work that way with our insurance provider (PacifiCare) and their TPA for prescriptions or for the orthodontist or dentist. Just make sure you know exactly what will be expected from your employees. One last thing, make sure your understanding of qualifying events is the same as theirs. One company that bid had different approach than the company we went with (Ceridian).