Cobra, HIPPA & Terminal Cancer

I have an employee who waived our group health insurance (partially self funded)as she was covered under her husband's employer's policy. Husband now has terminal cancer(given two years). Has been advised by social worker @ hospital where he is being treated to go on permanent disabilty and pick up group health insurance with us. Spouse diagnosed with cancer within the last 60 days. Family also had break in insurance coverage from June-September 2003. Our insurance company states disability not a qualifying event, he needs to pick up COBRA from his current employer, then can come on with us when we have open enrollment. Also, with the break in coverage, there is a pre-existing exclusion for this time period?. Can anyone help me sort through this mess? Is employee/spouse and family members eligible for our plan (we are not mandated by state (Maryland)regs as we are partially self funded)?Thanks for your assistance. I don't participate much in the forum, however, I do enjoy reading up on issues and everyone's responses.
You may want to speak to your insurance company for your plans specifications.
Did you just say that the employee can come on the plan now and the husband will have to wait until he exhausts COBRA? He would not have to wait for the open enrollment in that case, right?
The wife, if covered under her spouse's coverage would be eligible when she lost coverage under her husband's coverage (termination of employment or reduction of hours) to be enrolled under the HIPAA Special Enrollment Provisions in her own company's health plan. If she chose to enroll in COBRA with her husband then they would both be eligible to enroll at the END of the COBRA period.