Adding Disabilty Insurance for the 1st time

We are currently adding company paid LTD and voluntary STD. I have received quotes and have a carrier possibly selected. I have the basics about the policy, but what other questions (more in depth) do I need to ask? Any little tricks with the policies that I need to know about? Does anyone have a checklist of questions that I need to ask? I have a meeting comeing up the first week of June. Thanks for any help anyone can give me.
Our STD is voluntary and the ee's can only enroll during the initial offering once rejected they can not enroll at a later date. They can cancel anytime.
Is it a portable plan? If ee leaves your employ can they continue the STD or LTD?
When does the STD take effect? Ours is after first 2 wks then covers to 90 days. If longer than 90 days goes into LTD.
The best thing to do is first get all prospective quotes along with what each company offers for STD & LTD.
Make a spreadsheet to better see the information and try to compare apple to apples to get a better idea of cost involved.
Our STD & LTD are both voluntary and very simple to understand it depends greatly on communication with your representative.
I would only add that you review your policy definition of "wages".
Our definition includes bonuses, deferred compensation, etc.
Good luck and hope I am not too late.
E Wart