Donating Sick Leave

Does anyone have a policy on donating sick leave to another employee who was in a catastrophic accident and doesn't have enough to continue being paid while recovering? I need help in writing this type of policy and I need it fast....


  • 6 Comments sorted by Votes Date Added
  • [font size="1" color="#FF0000"]LAST EDITED ON 05-07-04 AT 03:45PM (CST)[/font][br][br]Do a search on donated sick leave. There have been several discussions. It may not be as easy as you think. Tax considerations, pay, etc.

    P S Welcome to the Forum!
  • Thank you very much....that gave me what I need. And thanks for the was my first time here and how very helpful it was!
  • As Hunter1 said, do a search on this site. This topic was just addressed about 3 weeks ago & I posted a question similar to yours in October of 03. I eventually developed a policy and procedure & will forward it to you if you'd like. Good luck.
  • Would you mind forwarding a copy of your policy. That has been something that has been brought up on discussions here, but we have not put in place. We are looking to revamp policy this summer and would be interested in how yours works. Thanks.
  • We are also revamping policies - would be interested in a copy - [email][/email] or fax (910) 572-2884.
    Thank you.
  • Good Afternoon HRWiz1,

    Here is our policy straight from the PPM.

    In the event of a serious injury or illness of a District ee or a member of his/her immediate family who requires the employee to take an extended leave, District employees may donte accured sick leave to the ee on the following terms:
    The injury or illness must be serious and verified by a physician and must be one that would require the ee to be off work for a period in excess of two (2) continuous weeks.
    The ee must have exhausted all of his/her own accrued sick leave and general leave, and employee can be put on FMLA concurrently.
    Employees eligible for SDI benefits must file a claim within 49 days of first day of disability so benefits can be coordinated.
    To be eligible to donate leave, the donating employee must have at least two (2) yrs. of service with the District. The Doanting ee may not donate more than a total of twenty percent of his/her accured, but unused sick leave in any calendar year. The donating ee must be able to retain a minimum annual sick leave balance of eighty hrs after donating to others in order to participate in the program.
    The request for donation must be submitted in writing to the GM of _____ and is subject to the written approval of the GM, or his designee.
    An ee receiving a sick leave donation must repay or return the entire donation or any unused balance, if it is ultimately not used for the illness or injury it was donated to benefit.
    Sick leave may not be donated for injuries that are being compensated under WC, Labor Code 4850 or disability insurance.

    I know this is long, but hope it is of some help
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