Workers Comp & Disability

Our company is located in NJ. Hypothetically, if an employee gets injured seriously at the job and hospitalized. I believe these are the employer's liability?
1. Filing 300 Form - OSHA
2. Filing a claim with Workers Comp Ins. Co.
3. Continue ee active
3. Continue health benefits
4. FMLA eligibilty??
5. STD??
Please provide your input.
Thank you.


  • 2 Comments sorted by Votes Date Added
  • [font size="1" color="#FF0000"]LAST EDITED ON 02-09-04 AT 11:39AM (CST)[/font][br][br]Yes.

    If they are eligible for FMLA, we run it concurrent with WC. We do not file STD, because it is offset by other income, thus they would not get paid due to WC wage compansation (also their waiting periods are the same).

    Don't forget determining if the accident was an unsafe act and discipline if necessary. Also was it a preventable unsafe condition? If so, fix it.

    edit: Re-read. Not sure what you mean by filing an OSHA 300 form. You would log it on your OSHA 300 form.
  • Thank you for your input. I am going to look in to the safety aspect. Regarding OSHA 300 , I meant filling up the form or logging it.

    Thank you again

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