Insurance Renewal Rates

Our group health insurance is up for renewal in April. Has anyone recently received renewal rates and if so what kind of increase did you have?
I know it's kind of like asking how long a piece of string is since we all have different plans with different provisions - I'm just trying to get an overall, real life idea of what to expect which in turn will be an indication of how many valium I'll need to take before opening the renewal package! :-S
I know it's kind of like asking how long a piece of string is since we all have different plans with different provisions - I'm just trying to get an overall, real life idea of what to expect which in turn will be an indication of how many valium I'll need to take before opening the renewal package! :-S
We received renewal info (fully insured plans) for one of our affiliated organization. It was 16% for one plan (HMO), and 14% for the other (PPO). We lucked out on dental, though--that was only 8%! We have heard that some companies in this area have had as much as a 24% increase in the health insurance; dental has been running about 10%.
GA - 9% increase
OH - 3% increase
NY - 20% increase
PA - 0% increase
CA - 5% increase
overall we experienced an average of 8.5%.
I was extremely please with that and expected a whole lot more.
It is so hard to predict what kind of increase you can expect. The only way to have a good indication would be to ask your employees if they used their insurance and what for... and we all KNOW that we CAN'T do that so.... we sit and wait.
Good luck and pray for a low single digit #!
Phew! What a relief!
Thank you for sharing your numbers.
Life is good!
We were actually plesantly surprised, we have experinced some large claims this past year, at least two of which are ongoing, so we expected a pretty heft increase.
Good luck,
How did your health insurance costs change in the past year?
Rose 1-9% -- 25%
Rose 10-20% -- 49%
Rose more than 20% -- 14%
Stayed about the same -- 6%
Decreased -- 2%
If you subscribe to our monthly Employment Law Letter in your state, you can see the complete survey results in the Subscribers Area of this website:
You also can manipulate the data, like seeing the results from companies the same size as you.
James Sokolowski
For dental, we switched to a self-funded plan. So far it has been painless and cost-effective. But then again, it is only March!
Younger workers actually got decreases (!) in their premiums, while older workers over 50 - like me, got hit with 25% increases .
I still cannot believe they can do that. The logic is flawed. Are they charging the 30 year old with the co-morbidities of diabetes, high blood pressure and high cholesterol more? No, but they are charging the 50 year old that exercises 3 times a week and has no health conditions more. It's ludicrous. Here is some information if you want to find out if this is legal. You should contact either the nearest area office of the Pension and Welfare Benefits Administration of the U.S. Department of Labor listed in the telephone directory or the Division of Technical Assistance and Inquires of the Pension and Welfare Benefits Administration, U.S. Department of Labor, 200 Constitution Avenue, NW, Washington, DC 20210.
Thanks, I will write up a letter tomorrow morning and send it out to the Washington DC address you indicated. Yes, it is illogical . My spouse, who is nine years younger than me - would get a lower rate although he has lots of ailments, - and I being healthy , only get to suffer from higher premiums for myself !
E Wart
Our renewal is also April 1 and our renewal rate came in at 18.7%. With some plan design changes we were able to reduce it to a 14% increase. Our current carrier is also an age banded plan as was mentioned in a previous reply.