Have any of you guys switched to AFLAC insurance? We have lots of employees who would like for us to explore this possibility for our voluntary benefits program.
Let me know if you had good or bad experience.
Let me know if you had good or bad experience.
The pros:
-the deductions qualify as section 125 and are pretax
-You have a local rep working with you
The cons:
-you are still responsible for the administration aspect of the plan
-the AFLAC rep HAS to come on site to enroll employees
-you cannot add or delete anyone's deduction without AFLAC telling to (they are not always timely)
About 20% of our employees use this and seem happy with it. I don't know if anyone has filed any claims.
We're a CA employer (Special District at Lake Tahoe). We're just gotten the news of the Governor's budget, and it's going to cut our budget by $3.1 Million. Sooo, we are looking for ways to cut expenses, yet still provide benefit options for our employees. Can you give me an idea of what benefits you provide through AFLAC, and the average costs, etc. Thanks so much ahead of time for your response.
or FAX: 530-583-8452
The biggest complaint I have about AFLAC is they don't communicate very well to their sales people. We have had their program for at least four years and every month or two someone will walk in off the street and try to sell us their AFLAC products.
The administration has not been a pain for us and the agent is always willing to step up to the plate when needed.
Positive recommendation from us.
We spoke with a financial planner and they said that AFALC makes 50-60% commission off of the prices. I guess no one around makes commission like that.
Their advise was to make sure people are maxing out their 401k plans where they are getting the most return of investment on their money.
However, I do believe the agent has a lot to do with satisfaction. In any event, I have the cancer and accident plan. each year I receive a check for having preventative screenings, e.g. mammograms, pap smear, etc. males would receive for annual prostate exams, etc.
Additionally,both my husband and I were covered (under my employer) on the accident plan. When he was struck and killed on the job this past August, I did not realize that this plan had a death benefit of $10,000 not to mention the benefits associated with the plan, e.g., he (i) received a cash eligible for a cash benefit: air care ambulance, surgical intensive care, fractures of both tibia, femurs, rt/lt scapulas, skull fracture, 56 units of blood (although plan pays for first unit only) but a total additional benefit of $4,000. (sorry it was not $4000 for each benefit) Promptness is another excellent service, as long as all the documentation requested is provided! important.
so much for my 2 cents worth. good luck with your decision.
We went over the plans available, I asked him to get me some information in July of 2003 and I still haven't heard back from him.
So, Can you guess what my opinion of AFLAC is?
If this is any indication of how their company works, then I don't want any part of them. They are sloppy and don't know how to run a business.
If you go with them, I'd say, be prepared for a whole lot of headaches. But hey, good luck with that!
You have renewed my faith in AFLAC. I will no longer roll my eyes when they are here for their monthly (unscheduled and unannounced) visit.
I am so very sorry for your loss.
I have a good rep. - a great one really, and our experience has been excellent. I personally signed up for some of the insurance & I neither feel taken advantage of or manipulated. The reimbursements come through cleanly, the administration is clean & our employee satisfaction of the program is 100%. It's a voluntary program at our company and about 12% of our employees take advantage of the offerings. If you're really interested - call around & have the AFLAC CSR's interview with you until you feel comfortable enough to select one to represent your company. I love it.
My problems with AFLAC starts with them just doing their job right to servicing the contract. If you want more specific information I will give it, but it will take up a lot of space.
Just to re-emphasize, my biggest problem with AFLAC is a so-so policy at high cost. Colonial, MetLife, and some others have better policy's for lower premium cost. SHOP AROUND.
Our Executive VP will not even respond to AFLAC at all. I personally have told several of them over the phone that it would be pretty close to never before we would go with AFLAC again. I haven't received a cold call for a long time now.
We offer a variety of supplemental plans from different groups which are enrolled "in-house" which seem to meet the needs of our employees.
We have had AFLAC as a supplemental insurance for at least 15 years. We've also had the same AFLAC rep and have been satisfied. He does come by unannounced at times and speaks to the employees covered to see if they have any questions or concerns. One great thing is, he stays on top of things and will step forward when he knows an employee is due a claim return.
I'll use my experience as an example. I had a baby who was required to be in intensive care for 3 days. I have an intensive care AFLAC policy that pays X amount of dollars a day. I really forgot that I had this policy, but he didn't. When I returned to work after 6 weeks of maturnity leave he telephoned me and asked how everything was going. I told him all went fine and mentioned that my son was intensive care for 3 days. To make a long story short, he personally delived a check made payable to me within 2 weeks of our phone conversation. Now that's personal service!
I am considering switching to them next year, though, as I'm not satisfied with the service we are getting from our current company. (Here again, the company rep makes it or breaks it.)
Recently we received a letter from one of our funding sources that has teamed up with AFLAC. They gave a specific rep from AFLAC all of their agencies' names and numbers (thanx for that!) and said that if we sign up with AFLAC through THIS rep only, that it will benefit the funding source greatly. Jeez. Just more proof that this is not the type of company with which I want to be affililated. Our insurance and STD & LTD policies cover most of what they offer, anyway.
I did some research and found this article [url][/url] and recommended (once again) that we do not sign up with them.
We'll keep our location a secret (not that any of you would know the name of our business and where we are anyway).
We have about 75% participation and yes, there is still payment reconciling, but through excel I've not found this to be too cumbersome. I do not do any selling, we just have the rep available to new hires. We do enrollments at open enrollment once/year, we set up periodic visits as needed for new hires. We process disenrollments by internet and have not had billing issues at all. We can download claim forms and fax to our rep who makes sure claimants have checks in the mail within 10 days. The employee can also access the claim forms and completely bypass me if they choose.
For those that have accident policies, I give them a claim form when we process a WC claim, because the policy pays a benefit even w/ this type of claim.
Believe me, the agent makes all the difference. We continually turned them away before we set up the 125 plan.
The only caveat is that you have to be diligent with the billing - their A/R department leaves a bit to be desired. As long as you stay on top of the invoice and make corrections timely, you'll be in good shape.
All in all, a very positive experience for our employees.