info to give to new mothers - maternity kit?

I have been asked to develop a kit of information to give to our employees that are about to go on maternity leave. This kit would include information about the short-term disability process, a reminder of the services our EAP can provide re finding childcare and anything else that would be helpful in helping employees return to work smoothly. We've also brainstormed about including a bib with the company logo on it or something like that.
Do any of you do something similiar? If so, what kinds of information do you provide? Do you provide any gifts?
Any ideas are much appreciated!
Do any of you do something similiar? If so, what kinds of information do you provide? Do you provide any gifts?
Any ideas are much appreciated!
We do not give gifts but I think that is a very cute idea. Bibs are very useful.
>company logo on it or something like that.
With as much "babysitting" that sometimes goes on, maybe not a bad idea for not only expectant mothers, but the total workforce!!