Waiver of Short Term Disability rights

Our company offers both STD and sick leave beenefits. One of our long term employees is goign to be out for a couple of weeks following a surgery. She desires to use her vacation time to cover the time in lieu of STD as this will allow for 100% income versus 66 2/3%.
Is it allowable for an employee to substitute vacation time for this??? let me know...I can see arguments in both directiosn here. Thanks!
Is it allowable for an employee to substitute vacation time for this??? let me know...I can see arguments in both directiosn here. Thanks!
As Don pointed out, it is in your company's best interest to have the person exhaust their accrued benefits so that once they return from STD they don't have 2 weeks of paid time off built up to use.
Anne Williams
Attorney Editor
M. Lee Smith Publishers, LLC
I agree that it would be in our interest to have her use vacation leave while she is out. Right now, I am leaning on giving her the option of forgoing our STD policy as requested.
In any case, you have given me lots to consider...thanks!