Benefit Determination vs. Discrimination

We have two employees who have had their status changed to Part Time. Both had FT Health Benefits. The company feels that they are now not eligible for the FT benefits which is a qualifying event for COBRA.
One of the employees states that the company handbook defines full time status as "an employee who works an average of 37 hours a week in a year". This employee is saying he worked over 37 hours this year and he should not loose the benefit. I believe that the employees qualifying year ends when his status changes, but I need to be sure of that. A FT employee must wait 6 months to be eligible for the plan. The employee says that he should be able to keep full time benefits for a period of 6 months. If this is true, than other PT status employees would have to have their hours reviewed over a 6 month period. The employee can continue coverage under COBRA. Who is right? How do I find out the answer? I always believed that if your status changes so does your eligibility. Please advise, as I need some help with this one.
I am with the hospitality industry. Hours are seasonal. Part Time employees have the opportunity to work extra hours that is their benefit. When labor is cut back, FT employees keep their benefit. If we let these 2 ee's keep their FT benefits, we have a situation with all the other PT ee's.
One of the employees states that the company handbook defines full time status as "an employee who works an average of 37 hours a week in a year". This employee is saying he worked over 37 hours this year and he should not loose the benefit. I believe that the employees qualifying year ends when his status changes, but I need to be sure of that. A FT employee must wait 6 months to be eligible for the plan. The employee says that he should be able to keep full time benefits for a period of 6 months. If this is true, than other PT status employees would have to have their hours reviewed over a 6 month period. The employee can continue coverage under COBRA. Who is right? How do I find out the answer? I always believed that if your status changes so does your eligibility. Please advise, as I need some help with this one.
I am with the hospitality industry. Hours are seasonal. Part Time employees have the opportunity to work extra hours that is their benefit. When labor is cut back, FT employees keep their benefit. If we let these 2 ee's keep their FT benefits, we have a situation with all the other PT ee's.
Now the Manager is saying he is not changing the employee's status. I was also informed that when the HRD investigates a claim for wrongful determination of benefits, they check the monthly invoices and then check all the ee's hours to find out if they are indeed eligible. So I am relaying all this information to the corporate office and documenting the date I informed them. I can't fight city hall. I just needed to hear from a professional that I was on the right HR page in this situation. The employee is upset with me, the Manager is upset, and the owner is going to have to set up some guidelines for all the properties to follow. Hospitality is not an easy industry to introduce HR policies and procedures for compliance. Thanks for your input. Laurie
You hit the nail dead center. That is what the HRD told me. So I have contacted BC to get a copy of our contract. I can't believe that the Accounting Manager of this ee would even question the benefit determination of this ee since he is only working 25 hours a week. The HRD told me that employers can't pick and choose who is and who isn't eligible. Now they are upset with me because I called the HRD. They said they would probably audit us. Do you think that is true. I thought you were able to call and get answers to these kind of questions. How else can companys show a reasonable effort is being made?
Thanks for your input and your time. Laurie
I gave the franchise name (there are hundreds) so hopefully I am safe.
I will take your advice and not volunteer information again.