STD-maternity leave
14 Posts
STD is a new benefit for my company. We are self-funded. The policy states that the company "will treat physical disabilities resulting from pregnancy or childbirth in the same manner as any other short-term disability". We have been interpreting this that pregnancy and childbirth are not disabilities in and of themselves, and have not paid STD benefits to employees who have had a child (normal pregnancy & childbirth) since the policy was implemented. We are now being questioned by employees (who think they should be paid since so many other companies do pay STD for childbirth), and by other HR professionals (who disagree with our interpretation and say that if we have an STD policy, then legally we have to pay). We are in Massachusetts. The policy was reviewed by an attorney.
Can we continue to not pay, or are my fellow HR professionsals doing me a favor by bringing this to my attention?
Can we continue to not pay, or are my fellow HR professionsals doing me a favor by bringing this to my attention?
6 weeks for a vaginal birth, 8 weeks for a c-section. The FMLA time runs along side STD. So when their 6 weeks of STD is up, they only have 6 weeks of FMLA time left.
The confusion arises when your disability policy says it includes pregnancy. We were told by our attorney that we needed a maternity policy along side our STD policy.
It states: The maternity leave policy does not cover absences due to pregnancy related complications. If prior to an employee's anticipated date of departure for the purpose of giving birth, an employee's doctor advises her to take leave from work due to a pregnancy related complication, then in many instances, the employee will be treated as disabled (not able toperform daily functions of their job) and the absence will fall under the STD Plan. Of course, this all runs concurrent with the FMLA.
Hope this helps.
Susan Fentin
Associate Editor
Massachusetts Employment Law Letter