pre-paid legal services

does anyone offer this to their employees? do the employees like it and use it? we looked into once and had a presentation given. at first it looked good to us but then when you really looked at it close it seems like such a rip off. their coverage is so limited and who knows what kind of lawyer you are going to have. no one wanted to sign up for it after the presentation. that was a couple of years ago and we pretty much have all the same employees and this new sales guy for it keeps calling and bugging me about it. I told him that no one was interested and he insists that if he can do a presentation that they would be. He calls me all the time and I don't answer his calls so he leaves me messages and I never call him back. when will he stop calling me!?
To read another brief discussion about this same topic from back in March, click on the search icon at the top of this page. Do a search for "prepaid legal services." And don't bother clicking on the "search archives" option. The item you're seeking will pop up without going through the more time-consuming search of the entire archives. Let me know if you have any trouble finding it. Hope this helps. tk
Tony Kessler, director of editorial
M. Lee Smith Publishers LLC
(615) 661-0249 ext. 8068
I have the same aggresive sales people here in Wisconsin. I think every independent insurance agent thinks this is the greatest thing. I handled it by putting a question in an annual benefits survey. There wasn't enough interest to move forward. I got the same pitch about having a meeting - but we said without the inital interest we didn't want to waste our time.