Conveying Benefit Info to New Employees

I'd be interested in knowing how you guys get benefit info to new employees. I am in the process of trying to streamline some of our procedures and this is a very cumbersome one. Do most of you send out the election form with the new hire paperwork or just wait until they come in to complete this part of the new hire process.
Thanks for your input!
Thanks for your input!
Out benefits coordinator keeps a database to alert her of when to distribute packets. Has seemed to work very well.
I know that I do way too much handholding, but I also feel that it is my job to keep the employees happy.
I share a packet with the group, including:
- Enrollment Checklist
- Benefits at a Glance with recap of all bene's, not limited to insurance
- enrollment forms
- SPD's
- premium sheet, including company contribution
Because not all are eligible for or interested in the plans, I "whiz" through the packet, hand out addt'l materials to those interested, and explain that I'm available to stay late if they have questions.
I explain to employees that it is their responsibility to return paperwork by the deadlines, and the deadline is printed on just about every piece of paper I give them. I also try to send them reminders just before the deadline arrives, but they are clear (usually!) that it is their responsibility.
We also have all attendees complete an evaluation of the training session. About half say they wish we had more time to cover bene's and "how to enroll". Our orientation continually evolves. x:D