Suplemental Insurance

I want to offer my employees suplemental insurance and the name that comes to my mind is AFLAC. Can anyone offer me your experience in dealings with AFLAC? I heard from some local H.R. Managers that the service is bad and that it is taking a lot of time from them. Your inputs are highly appreciated.
We offer Aflac insurance and have for the 10 years that I have been here.
I really don't have any problem with my rep. x:-) we get along very well and he sends me an email or quick phone call to ask if there is any new employees for this month and I send him a list of who if any there are and where they work.
He then sends a letter addressed to that employee to me here and I pass it along to them. The letter is a quick introduction of Aflac and says that if your interested to sign the bottom and return to HR.
If and when I get them I fax them to my rep. or send him an email stating that I have had no replies. He only meets with the employees who had said that they want to talk to him.
Also once a year he will make a special notice to put in all payroll checks in case someone who wasn't interested is now, they just send the notification back to me and I pass it on to him.
Works good for me and the employees like it this way.
We terminated our relationship with them.
On the other hand, I have a friend who sells Aflac and she is very laid back and only offers products that she feels will benefit someone. So, there are probably good ones and not-so-good ones.
You can set up your plan so that people can only sign up at open enrollment. Therefore new hires can only enroll at open enrollment.