Who Pays the Premium?

We are a company in Oregon and an employee who is pregnant wants to turn in her resignation for April 12th due to her pregnancy. Our CEO has been letting employees go as soon as they turn in their resignation and paying them through the time that they say their last day will be. If the employee is being paid through April 12th, do we have to continue her insurance benefits as if she was still employed through April 12th?
Unless there is more to this than you've stated, I would say PROBABLY. Paying someone in lieu of their notice is an acknowledgement of their resig notice. If the employee wasn't paid for this time, presumably they work be working thru the notice period. I find it hard to understand why paying the person in lieu of their notice doesn't obligate the employer to consider the person employed thru that date. A stronger argument to abbreviate the employment benefits might be to pay the departing person in a lump-sum and then use the last day worked as their term date. You might need local legal advice to confirm that your state doesn't prohibit this.
If I were you, I would recommend that an attorney review the decision made by your interim CEO. If his reason isn't a good one, he should be made aware of the potential consequences. Otherwise, I would agree (based on our policies), if the employee would have worked through a date in April, she would be covered through that month. She should also know that if you are too small for COBRA, she will have the option of Oregon State Continuation for medical benefits. She will have to pay the full cost, but at least she would be covered.
Good luck!