PTO Plans

Our company currently has no sick leave for non-exempt employees, and exempt will receive 6 weeks paid sick leave if a illness falls into FMLA. I would like to see us go towards a PTO plan for all employees, but need some ideas on different policies. We currently have 92 employees down from 180 last year, and with the rising costs of other benefits, I hope to convince the owners that this may help soften the blow for the increasing in premiums for medical insurance. Can anyone let me know what their PTO policy is, and if exempt is different than non-exempt? Sample policies would be much appreciated.
We earn x hours every pay period, depending on length of service. PTO is charged any time a non-exempt employee does not work his/her scheduled hours. Supervisors sign off on timecards if there is a valid reason why PTO should not be charged.
Currently we only allow a carryover of 24 hours at each individual's anniversary date. By the first of 2002 we plan to introduce a plan to allow a certain number of hours to be transferred to a catastrophic leave bank. Haven't yet decided how to handle those hours at termination. Some of our management staff feels it should be paid out at 100%, but others favor a reduced percentage.
There is no difference between exempt and non-exempt employees under the plan, but there are three difference levels of "earning" leave, depending on length of employment. It has cut down considerably on sick absences, and all the employees seem pleased with it even though they have less total unileave than they had sick + vacation. We do have a few employees, though, that never take any leave. It will be a substantial chunk of cash to them when the separate employment, but I do think they should perhaps be required to "use or lose" some portion of it during the year because working 10 or 15 years without a vacation doesn't seem like a good thing from a mental health perspsective.
Our PTO plan is very generous and we also given 7 paid holidays per year. Some companies even combine the holiday time into a PTO bank. I don't advise this as employee's don't look at it as getting holidays if you do this. Ours is based on years of service and we allow carryover of 45 days per year. If you would like the scale, I will be glad to send to you. My EMAIL is [email][/email].