Reducing Benefits
231 Posts
We are thinking of eliminating paying out 50% for personal time (sick and vacation) not taken at the end of the year. Any advice?
What has caused your company to consider discontinuing the benefit?
Our problem is that with only 110 employees and at a rate of 50%, we still ended up paying out over $40,000.
You may want to check with those people in the banking industry. They ususally have a required leave policy (i.e. full weeks off at a time) so that they can catch people "cooking the books". Just a suggestion.
We do allow people to bank up to 10 days of sick leave, but once that maximum is hit, they do not accrue any more.
Banking one or two days a year still allows enough time off to recharge one's batteries. We do not distinguish between vacation and sick days but give a pool of days to everyone to use at their discretion.
Believe me, there have been times when I would gladly have paid an extra 50% of a persons wage to have them at work on a given day rather than calling in sick.
By implementing this type of policy provision, the company can take control (albeit incremental) of this issue and try to steer the direction that people take regarding calling in sick.
This would have saved the company $$ by not having to pay back 25%, and the chances of an employee taking FMLA before they leave are pretty remote. I wish I had a better suggestion for you but this policy stinks. You may want to consider taking some efforts to communicate the rationale behind the policy to the employees (i.e. newsletter, small group meetings, etc.). By doing so, you may be able to avoid an uptick in your turnover rate due to this decision. In either event, good luck and let us all know how it turns out.