Tuition Assistance Policy

Our company would like to develop a tuition assistance policy/program for its employees. Does anyone out there have a policy/program in place? Would you mind sharing you ideas with me? Thank you in advance.
Margaret Morford
Don't feel ignorant. I've only done it once and I'm sure there was some accidental luck in my succeeding! I think I could walk you through how to do it, but why don't I give you my e-mail address and you e-mail me your fax number? My e-mail address is [email][/email]. If you'd rather call me, my telephone number is 615-371-8200.
Margaret Morford
Could you send that to me as well. My email [email][/email], my fax 602-650-5990 .
Thanks so much!
We have now felt that by doing so, some employees have just taken advantage of us and stay with us just to get trained then leave for greener pastures.
I was wondering if it is legal, common or pratical to place a stipulation that an employee remain employed for a period of time following this training or forfeit the cost of this training. Also, we have never detailed in our policy a maximum amount a person can receive per year. I was curious how other companies handle this situation
Thanks Tom
I too would like a copy. My fax number is: 714-619-6354.
Margaret Morford
>with your fax number.
>Margaret Morford
I would like to establish a "Tuition Assistance Policy".
Would you please fax me your policies.
Thank you,
FAX NO: 714-619-6354
Many thanks!!
Also, we will pay a portion of any experiential credit or CLEP-type exams that allow them credits without taking courses.
Some of our employees remember when the Tuition Reimbursement policy was 100% for whatever and they don't like the current policy (the current policy has been in place about five years) naturally. New employees recognize that any tuition reimbursement is generous in this day and age.
Hope this helps.
The agency also provides up to $400 dollars per year for any FT employee who wants to take a work-related class. In this situation, the employee must pay for the course, complete with a C or better, then submit the receipt and grade for reimbursement. Some employees who are working towards a degree (who aren't participating in the other plan) also use this program to receive "bonus" for their education. This particular plan does not have any work requirements.
Hope this helps.
>for its employees. Does anyone out there have a policy/program in
>place? Would you mind sharing you ideas with me? Thank you in
We currently have a policy in place, which has worked well in the past, however, we have recently opened a Spa and have Therapists and Technicians who we WANT to assist with receiving further certifications, but often they leave our employment to provide services on their own or for small, local salons.
We were thinking about continuing with current policy and adding a stipulation that we would not repay employee until 6 months to a year after they receive certification, but our need is so great for some certifications that we probably need to pay up front for those. If the ee is required to re-pay us if they terminate,....well, can't get blood out of a turnip!!
Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated!
It sounds as though you are going to need to pay up front. However, I would pay upon satisfactory completion of each course. This means that as the individual passes the first course, he/she uses the money reimbursed to pay for the next. If he/she fails the course, you don't want to be stuck with the unpleasant task of collecting money back for something he/she failed. It's a double negative!
Have the form he/she signs requesting payment state that if he/she leaves your employment within a year, he/she will be required to pay this money back and reimburse the company for any legal fees incurred in collecting this money. While you can't get blood out of a turnip, it will make most of the employees stay on until the year is completed because the legal fee piece could be huge. You may also be able to get someone who does collections to pursue this for you on a contengency basis. Anything recovered is a bonus and it will make employees think twice about leaving before the year is up.
In addition the form should authorize deductions to satify this debt from any monies due and owing at the time the employee terminates. This would include his/her last pay check and any vacation pay he/she is due. Hope that helps.
Margaret Morford
This is our policy -
Tuition Reimbursement
Our company is pleased to support and encourage the professional growth of our Team Members. As such we offer a Tuition Reimbursement benefit. To be eligible for Tuition Reimbursement, you must:
· Apply for it in writing and be approved for it by your Supervisor, the VP of Organizational Development and the President/CEO prior to registering for a course (approval processing may take up to 2 weeks - Tuition Reimbursement. Forms can be obtained from the Human Resources Department);
· Take a course that is directly related to your position with the company and that will substantially improve your productivity in your current job;
· Be actively employed by our company on a full-time basis and in good standing at the beginning and end of the course semester (if a Team Member resigns or is terminated before completing a course and receiving a grade, the Team Member will not be reimbursed for tuition expenses);
· Attend an accredited university, college or GED program.
Team Members will be eligible for reimbursement for up to one course per semester and up to *four courses per year as follows:
· 100% for an “A-”, “A” or “A+”
· 80% for a “B-”, “B” or “B+”
· 0% for any grade below a “B-”
The amount of reimbursement a Team Member receives depends upon the Company's approval and upon the grade received and will not exceed a total annual reimbursement of $5,000. Reimbursement does not include expenses for items such as books, lab fees, parking fees, travel expenses or any other fees or costs other than those pre-approved by Human Resources as course fees prior to the beginning of the semester. If a Team Member resigns or is terminated within twelve (12) months after receiving reimbursement, the Team Member must repay the company in full. Our company retains the right to deny, limit and/or modify reimbursement approval at any time and for any reason.
(*Trimesters, summer sessions and winter intercessions, in addition to the typical Fall and Spring terms make it possible to take 4 classes per year.)