Benefit regulations

If your parent company is located in one state and your company doing business in another, which state governs benefits provided to you? The parent company state or the state that you work in? Also, are there any regulations regarding the type of insurance you offer, and if you are required to offer more than one choice, such as a PPO and a HMO?
Thank you for any response!
Thank you for any response!
retirement benefits offered by your employer are governed by federal law (ERISA
and the Tax Code) which supercede most state laws. However, there are many
state laws which regulate the insurance contracts, if any, that actually provide
the benefits. They may also regulate HMOs. With respect to those laws, the law
of the state where the coverage is provided will generally govern.
The employer generally has wide latitude in deciding the type of benefits it
will offer, or even to offer any at all, and I am not aware of any law that
would require an employer to offer more than one choice. However, if a company
does offer health insurance it must meet limitations on preexisting conditions,
nondiscrimination requirements and the like under HIPAA and to offer
continuation of of coverage under COBRA when coverage is lost because of certain
events, such as termination of employment, divorce, loss of dependent status,
etc., assuming the employer has over 20 employees.
I hope this helps.
Scott Ruth
Thank you so much for your quick reply! Now I can stop banging my head against the wall!