I am a first time poster. Question - how do you handle employees who are under WC and restrictions that say they can work with modified duty (no lifting over 50 lbs and no working over 8 hrs a day)but then keep coming in and saying that the injury is bothering them and they have to go home. It is lowering morale in my department because this seems to be happening frequently, especially when a "tough" job is asked of them. Any thoughts would be appreciated.
P.S. I see you have cats.
In this case, take care not to stand in the way of medical treatment if that is truely what your worker needs. You can always return him/her for medical assessment (and include a list of job tasks for the doctor to review). If your worker truely can perform the work you have available and elects on his/her own to miss, you're probably off the hook for lost wages. Work with your carrier to get the claim closed quickly--even if it means a settlement.
Best wishes,
If you have a sample of a RTW agreement, I would love to see it.Thanks for your help.
I agree with the previous posters that you should get doctor verification, but I'm less suspicious of the employee. I had WC surgery (volleyball) and my recovery was much slower and more painful than the doctor predicted. After a year of doctor dawdling, I had a second surgery and discovered that the doctor had botched the first surgery. xx( If I did manual labor, I would've been in the same boat as your guy.
A couple of cautions: Make sure you're not more harsh or strict with this guy than you are with other employees who have recurring conditions that aren't WC. You don't want to commit WC retaliation.
And consider whether he's eligible for intermittent FMLA leave.
Good luck!
James Sokolowski
James! How did this get through the forum hawks? You had a Worker Compensation injury from playing volleyball at work. I'm definitely in the wrong industry! xB-)
ps - glad you're feeling better.
Your Company Name Here
Statement of Understanding
Work Restrictions / Modified Job Duties
Date: August 16, 2006 Employee Name: ?????
Restrictions: ?????
Timeline for Modified/Restricted Job Duties:
Start Date: ????? End Date: ?????
(initial) I understand the responsibilities required of me for this restricted / modified duty position.
Employee Signature Date
ACCEPT or DECLINE restricted / modified duty assignment:
Please initial one of the following statements to indicate your decision to accept or decline this interim position.
(initial) I ACCEPT THIS POSITION and will report to work as scheduled. I acknowledge that this position is part of returning to work. This assignment is a temporary assignment until my physician releases me to return to regular duties without restrictions or I have reached maximum medical improvement from my workers’ compensation injury / illness. I am not eligible for any overtime while on restricted / modified duties.
(initial) I DO NOT ACCEPT THIS POSITION. I understand that my refusal to accept this interim job offer may affect my workers’ compensation benefits.
Employee Signature Date
Witness Date