FMLA Count

I still get a little confused on counting time off for FMLA when leave starts and stops in the middle of the week. Is 12 wks. counted as 7 calendar days or 5 working days? If ee starts leave on Tuesday, is off for two weeks, returns on a Thursday, is that two weeks and 1 day, thus leaving 9 wks. and 6 days of available leave?
What's the legal answer?
Good luck!
Example #1: Joe works M-F 8am to 5pm he goes out on FMLA on Tuesday June 20,2006. Counting the first Tuesday June 20th his 12 weeks would expire on Sept. 12th if not intermittent leave.
Example #2: Jane works M, W, Th, & F 6am to 1pm she goes on FMLA on June 19, 2006. Counting the first Monday June 19th her 12 weeks would expire on Sept 11th if not intermittent leave.