FMLA Question

I hope this is an easy question. When an employee goes out on FMLA the very first time, does that first effective date remain the date of the federal renewal of FMLA from then on? For example. We have an employee who went out in 2002 on FMLA and has not used it since until February of 2006. Do we use the renewal date from 2003 when the FMLA renewed or do we start with the new date from 2006 to be counted for renewal in 2007? I hope I have made myself clear. Thanks for your help.
However, there are other legitimate methods of tracking. If you want to make it a calendar year that is shifted to annual employment date, I'd think that would work, or to do it from the very first initiation date of FMLA, though tracking that through the years may prove daunting.
My apologies if I haven't responded appropriately to what you're really asking...?
Can anyone point me to the section of the regs so I can see if it is spelled out there?
Thank you.