Who should mention accomodations?

We have an employee that has been off since mid December, it may turn into a Long Term Disability.
He has not asked about coming back to work, in fact he doesn’t think he will be able to.
Do we have to ask him if he would like us to look into accommodations?
He has not asked about coming back to work, in fact he doesn’t think he will be able to.
Do we have to ask him if he would like us to look into accommodations?
>doctor as not able to return, the only thing you
>have to worry about is counting down the 12-week
>clock and informing the EE of said countdown.
That is not true. If he is a qualified disabled person you may have to extend his leave or provide accomodations. It depends on whether it is reasonable or not. If it isn't you must factually be able to defend why it isn't reasonable.
I was going by the statement that the employee did not even think he could come back to work. If the EE said he might be able to come back, then that puts a different spin on it in relation to accomodations, yes. If the doctor says he's unable to work, no accomodations are necessary.