Orthodontic - FMLA?
We have an employee who has submitted a certification for Family Medical Leave for her daughters orthodontics visits that occur every 5-6 weeks. We have researched a few places, but can not seem to find supporting evidence that this would be a "serious health condition", although it does require multiple vists to the orthodontist. The certification on Section 3 where they can mark 1-6, the dentist has marked None of the above. Would that be evidence enough that this is not a covered condition under the FMLA? Would there be any dental visit that would be covered? Thanks for any input!!
In reviewing this definition (granted I summarized it), it would appear that orthodintic treatment would not fall under this definition. I would deny it.
Sorry for the long explanation, but wanted to include those things as we have all probably encountered at least one of them before. Hope that helps.
Thanks again for your help!
I suspect lots of DDS folks could give you a long treatise on the non-cosmetic aspects of orthodontia. I know when my son had it done, way before FML was even an issue, he had problems with his bite that could only be corrected in this fashion. Other complications, such as TMJ, were involved - but perhaps your EEs daughter only needs it for cosmetic purposes and the dentist filling out the certification form is trying to pull a fast one on you?
Is this EE avoiding disciplinary action related to these appointments and you think she is trying to scam you out of some leave time - then you may have different issues.
But if this EE is not a problem child and all you are looking at is giving a few days of intermittent leave over the next several months, what is the benefit you achieve by challenging this certification? If the EE is going to be off anyway and you can also start the FML clock - where is the harm with going with a medical providers certification of this need?