What are my options re: FMLA?
1,945 Posts
I have an ee who applied for wc and STD. I sent her the FMLA paperwork. Her attorney responded that on his advice, she will not submit the paperwork. Other than telling her she has an idiot for an attorney, is there any reason why I can't deny her a leave (which obviously would result in her losing her job)?
Is he/she trying to set the company up for some sort of lawsuit related to the injury?
Did anyone every put dog s&*t in a paper bag, set it on someone's doorstep, light it on fire, ring the doorbell and run?
The big payoff was when someone opened the door, saw the fire and stomped on the bag to put it out. Not saying I ever did this, but it was so funny when it happened.
Perhaps this attorney is doing the same, only the payoff would be some sort of monetary reward? It might be worth a call to counsel to make sure you are not about to stomp on the burning bag.
Employee applied for both wc & std.....so sounds like a coin flip I have something wrong...if I can make it wc great if not std.
Me I would document in writing no fmla paperwork no leave attendance policy will be applied up to and including termination. Then would fire them in a heartbeat when they hit that point.
FMLA is for their benefit, if they refuse to do their part they suffer the consequences. Now I am not familiar with NY but in MO I would utimately keep them from collecting ttd wc benefits because once fired I always would invoke;: "But for their getting themselves terminated, I would have restricted duty available"...... I had a strong restricted duty program. If you got yourself fired, I was able to really block out most of your benefits.... :-)
My $0.02 worth.......
The Balloonman