Gastric Bypass

I just read October '04 postings on this topic, but my question wasn't answered. I just got an e-mail from an employee who says after a long deliberation she has decided to have the gastric bypass surgery. My first instinct is to send her the medical certification paperwork and a summary of her FMLA rights, and I plan to do that today. But my question is this, she has never had any health concerns that affected her work up to this point. Is an "elective" surgery like this one covered under FMLA? Can this be considered a serious health condition? Does the surgery itself create a serious health condition? And what about a breast implant procedure? Does that count too? Help!
I didn't have a problem with doing that as this surgery isn't something that a lot of people have. Out of an average employee count of 200, and over a 15-year span this is the only employee we've had to get this surgery.
While obesity is not a qualifying condition under the ADA (yet), it can lead to serious health complications - such as heart attack, coronary heart disease, stroke, kidney disease, etc. It may be benefitial for your company to give the ee the time now instead of facing more serious health concerns in the future.
Let the doctor decide what is medically necessary and what is not. If you start to try to make these judgments for yourself you'll run into trouble. If the doctor certifies FMLA, you've done right by the ee and by your company.
My assistant had the procedure done and her husbands medical plan paid for the cost of medical treatment. She only missed two days of work for the surgery. FMLA was not required. She was up and loosing weight rapidly after two days. She has lost about 200 lbs. She spends alot of time in the restroom, voiding, which is acceptable, we all understand and support her anyway we can. We have flexed her schedule and fit her in to get the HR, payroll, benefits, W/C case management and whatever else done and proud of her for seeking the surgery.
For some FMLA may be required, but it was not in our real case.
If the physician could come up with a health hazard for excess skin, we might have to allow for the FMLA; however, our medical plan has already made a decision in her case that the excess skin, sufficient for two other people, is not a serious health condition. She has checked with the Burn Center in our state, and they are willing to pay for her skin removal and donation to burn victims.
Again this surgery would only keep her down for about a week and sick leave will cover her absents. This surgery is much more painful than the Gastric By-pass and the painful condition could effect her beyond her sick leave available, so she would probably just take vacation time. She is a super star and we will do whatever is necessary to help her!
The Burn Center -- How unique!! You probably just saved one of our people some real stress and anxiety!!! If our insurance company turns her down (which I think they will), this will give her an alternative to look into. Thank you so much!!!
The President/owner of our company declared the procedure should be banned from the medical field of interest. Without a complete psycological change in the individuals survival habits, life style associated with EATING, the procedure does not have a good track record.
My HR assistant has lost 180 + lbs and today is a very happy employee and has proven our President to be wrong. Some cases do work!
If the physician certifys the surgery as being required then FMLA may just be the right answer. However, my assistant worked up to the day before the surgery (Wed)and was back in the office and working to get payroll out the next Monday. She has never taken a day of her FMLA benefits. So pull back from the issue as a HR and provide the documentation and briefing, just in case. The EE might be a sickly case and may need to be off.
Bottom line always remember the granting of FMLA is contingent upon the certification of the physician and the formal request/application of the ee. I assume she qualifies for the FMLA.
I gave her the docs for her and her doctor to complete, so the ball is in her court now. I really appreciate all of the information, especially that on the excess skin removal. I wonder if my EE knows about that!