I have an employee that has gone out on maternity leave. In computing her time off, am I correct that holidays are not counted in that computation? She is questioning that our payroll department did not pay her for Christmas. Your help would be greatly appreciated.
Thank you.
Thank you.
As far as counting it towards FMLA - it's 12 workweeks of leave. If the holiday happens to fall in a workweek they are on FMLA leave then we count it as part of that workweek.
Thanks again.
Work your way through to 29CFR 825.509
h) An employee's entitlement to benefits other than group health
benefits during a period of FMLA leave (e.g., holiday pay) is to be
determined by the employer's established policy for providing such
benefits when the employee is on other forms of leave (paid or unpaid,
as appropriate).
Is that what you were looking for?
It's good to know there are Forumites to help people like me who have a split job and do not do HR full-time. My title is Executive Secretary but I do background checks, orientation of new employees and the FMLA. Our Business Office with payroll, benefits, etc. is in a separate building.