Employee misses dr. appts.

We have an employee who has been on Worker's Comp for two months.
Recently, he missed an appointment to remove his stitches, which according to the doctor's office would have released him to light-duty, (which was postponed more than a week because of the delay), then yesterday he missed his appointment, which is not rescheduled yet. Both times he missed he said it was due to car problems.
In our handbook, it states the following:
If you engage in conduct or activities that serve to lengthen the healing period while you are off of work due to a work-related injury, you may be immediately terminated.
Am I really reaching when I say that this is a disciplinary situation? All along he has not been turning in paperwork from his doctor when he has actually been to an appointment, I have had to call him at home numerous times demanding that he bring the paperwork to us. (In each case, I let it go for at least three days, because our handbook also states that three days of no call-no show is cause for termination.)
I'm curious if others feel this is a disciplinary situation or if I'm overreacting. For those of you who remember me, I'm generally the stickler at our company for details, while management generally lets a lot of things slide.
Recently, he missed an appointment to remove his stitches, which according to the doctor's office would have released him to light-duty, (which was postponed more than a week because of the delay), then yesterday he missed his appointment, which is not rescheduled yet. Both times he missed he said it was due to car problems.
In our handbook, it states the following:
If you engage in conduct or activities that serve to lengthen the healing period while you are off of work due to a work-related injury, you may be immediately terminated.
Am I really reaching when I say that this is a disciplinary situation? All along he has not been turning in paperwork from his doctor when he has actually been to an appointment, I have had to call him at home numerous times demanding that he bring the paperwork to us. (In each case, I let it go for at least three days, because our handbook also states that three days of no call-no show is cause for termination.)
I'm curious if others feel this is a disciplinary situation or if I'm overreacting. For those of you who remember me, I'm generally the stickler at our company for details, while management generally lets a lot of things slide.
In the current case, the doctor's office told us that the employee would have been able to return to work if he had had his stitches removed. I would consider that a professional-enough opinion, something I could fall back on.
I may certainly write up the employee for not following W/C instructions/not cooperating with the W/C carrier.
By the way, in GA W/C will pay for their transportation. I have had them send someone to pick up an employee here at work who was going to the doctor. I don't think that w/c will let him use sick car as an excuse.
E Wart
I would also contact the doctor and see if they can reschedule the appointment for tomorrow. Then call the employee, tell them when the new appointment is, explain that it is their responsibility to get to the appointment. If their car is unreliable take a cab. I would also inform them that if they miss this appointment you will terminate their empolyment. I would do this on speakerphone with another management witness present.
Have fun.
My $0.02 worth.
DJ The Balloonman
The employee has since been released back to full-duty, so he's working again and we've chosen to wait for him to screw up again before termination. Thanks for the feedback!