wage continuation

Does anyone utilize a wage continuation program for employees on WC? How has this worked for you? Do you encounter any abuse? Who administers it for your company? We would like to know the pros and cons of wage continuation versus letting the employee get paid by the State. Thanks for any input you can provide.
The merits to this program are two-fold: 1) the ee gets 100% of their wages, as opposed to about 65% (Time Loss) and 2) the company benefits as it is the usage of Time Loss that drives up our experience factor, which directly drives up the costs of our premiums (and ee payroll deductions - as they pay a portion as well), so no Time Loss equals less in premium payments. The downside to this program is the length of time an ee is out injured. Anything that lasts less than a couple of weeks - is good (for both x:-)), but anything that lasts more, can become a cash flow issue as well as a round of cost/benefit analysis. I'm not happy with myself right now, because I really need to re-evaluate our practice & come up with a better solution for the long-term worker injuries (we currently pay the entire time). I know 12-weeks was probably picked as it would run congruently with FMLA - but in my case & in our state, I'm probably going to move towards 6-months. Good luck!
While this is a rare benefit, it has been a good one, in my opinion. Our employees feel taken care of and in general have less of an adversarial relationship that I have seen in private industry. It has cost us about $18,000 per year in leave pay, most of which usually comes from a few longer lost time cases. The nice thing is that an employee injured through no fault of their own and gets told to stay off for a few days still doesn't lose any income. Most state laws require a 7 day waiting period for benefits to be paid, so without this benefit there would be employees who get no pay.
Our Payroll has to do some figuring once we get the WC check to insure the employee gets their portion tax-free, but it generally works well, especially since the other third of their income will usually cover the employee's obligation for medical insurance premiums, child support, etc. It just reduces their personal issues and stress.
As for the logical question of "Where's the incentive to return when getting full pay?", the answer lies in the fact that that shouldn't be within the employee's control. If your panel of doctors have been educated on your light duty policy and understand future referrals to them depends upon their integrity and capability to determine "fakers", and both your WC Carrier and your own organization monitor the claims and stays in touch with the employee, and you take strong action against anyone who is proven to be exaggerating their condition, then there is no issue of incentive.
I also think our overly fair policy has not put our employees in situations where they truly needed to fight for every dollar by coming up with ways to extend their time off. I've seen lots of questionable situations regarding returning to work in my previous career in private industry.
I would also like to know who else has such a policy, but based on the response to this post apparently not many do, which is understandable in today's high WC cost market. I just feel ours works fine.