Hats at work

To what extent do you feel you would accommodate an employee wearing a hat at work due to a 'skin condition on the top of the head'?
It has no impact on the daily job duties, but is a factor when clients are in the office. The employee claims he has to wear it while being in direct as well as indirect sunlight. It seems to have no effect on any other area other than the top of his head.
It has no impact on the daily job duties, but is a factor when clients are in the office. The employee claims he has to wear it while being in direct as well as indirect sunlight. It seems to have no effect on any other area other than the top of his head.
I'm in the dark and will admit to having on a dunce's hat with this one.
I will be very curious to see what the medical info states - but I will be even more curious to see how this impacts his ability to do what is on his job description, if it does at all. I will report back if and when I get anything.
Our next step was then to tell him that we would accept another more "professional" type of hat instead of the standard backwards-baseball cap and once we get the ADA Reasonable Accommodation questionnaire back, we will evaluate again.
Any additional thoughts from anyone on this?
I just received the form back from the dr. that addresses specific accommodations, and his doctor stated that this condition does affect his ability to perform some of the essential functions of his job (and he was provided with a specific explanation of his duties). The impact it has is that he has "social embarrassment and psychological distress due to disfigurement".
There was no reference to any of the specific job duties and how this prevents him from performing any one of them.
So my next question is, can we tell him that he cannot wear a hat on days when nobody is allowed to wear one because there is an important client visiting? Or are we being too insensitive??
By the way, wouldn't a guy in a hat at work call more attention his way than some knot on his head? Or was it shaped like a body part? Just wondering.