Picnic W/C Liability
The Topic article on the HR Hero homepage gave me pause. Is anyone out there familiar with New Mexico work comp laws? I called the work comp office here in Albuquerque but am not at all confident in the answer I received by one of the work comp administration employees ("I am almost certain...."). My question is: If we sponsor a picnic on a Saturday (not a workday) and an employee sprains his/her ankle playing softball, is this a work comp injury?
Any help will be appreciated. Many thanks.
Any help will be appreciated. Many thanks.
>My state is in agreement with Beagle's. If the activity is not a job
>function, is not directly work-related, is not a company sponsored
>REQUIRED activity and is voluntarily participated in for the enjoyment
>or enrichment of the employee, it is not a workers comp injury in this